Job Descriptions

Here are some of the job descriptions for the meal.  These include:
  • Cook
  • Cook's Helpers
  • Greeters
  • Hall Cleanup
  • Kitchen Cleanup
  • Setup
  • Servers
  • Shoppers
  • Volunteers (General guidelines)


Menu planning.

Prepare weekly shopping list in conjunction with the Kitchen Coordinator, within budget, and post on bulletin board for shoppers.

Delegate cooking volunteers’ tasks.

Cooking the meal, assuring that everything is ready on time.

Discuss sizes of portions with servers.

Determine what leftovers are to be frozen or given away.

Maintain supplies and staples in storage area.

Monitor and recycle freezer contents.

Communicate with person in charge of kitchen regarding performance of cooking volunteers.


For food handlers, it is highly recommended that volunteers have successfully completed the “Food Safe” course.

Volunteers are to be at the Church Hall kitchen by 2:00pm on Tuesday and check in with the Kitchen Coordinator.

All cooking volunteers will work directly under the direction of the Main Cook while the Kitchen Coordinator will see that the tasks are done and completed as directed.

A high standard of hygiene is required at ALL times and hands will need to be washed regularly.

Be prepared to stand during the 3-hour food preparation period.

Be prepared to do any task required of you.

Help with washing dishes and clean up of preparation area.

Stick to your task until it is complete or until you are directed to do something else.

Appropriate footwear (no sandals or open toed shoes) and clothing are required.  Long hair must be tied back or tucked under a hat.

Latex gloves are available for certain food handling tasks.



There are 2 greeters required each Tuesday.  If people who have not signed up to be greeters gather in the foyer they need to be asked to go in the hall.

Greeters are responsible for welcoming our guests from 4:45pm till 5:45pm.

Volunteers are required to remain in the Church Hall foyer greeting and directing guests as required, until 5:45pm.

Shoes and appropriate clothing are required of our guests.  If there is any problem with a guest, contact the Set-Up Coordinator immediately.

Bicycles are welcome and are stored in the hallway near the washrooms.

Pets are to remain outside.



Hall clean up begins at approximately 6:40pm.

Check in with the Hall Clean Up Coordinator and follow their instructions.

Bring all remaining dishes etc to the clean up trolley.

Salt and pepper containers are gathered on a tray and brought to the kitchen pass through.

Coffee/tea areas to be cleared and items brought to the kitchen pass through.

Chairs and tables are stored on the stage.

Tablecloths are to be sprayed with bleach solution, wiped and dried before storing.


This task requires handling clean dishes, therefore it is highly recommended that volunteers have successfully completed the ‘Food Safe” hygiene course.

Kitchen clean-up starts at approximately 6:20pm.  Check in with the Clean-Up Coordinator upon arrival.  Hands must be washed as often as is required.  Due to safety concerns, no children are allowed in the kitchen at any time.

Put 3 large pots of water on the stove and heat in order to assist in washing dishes.  Also turn on the sterilizing machine.

Two people are required at each of the two kitchen sinks.  The sink on the left is for washing dishes.  The sink on the rights is for washing pots, pans, etc.

The stack of dirty plates is to be carried into the kitchen early, while the trolley will be brought into the kitchen at the beginning of the clean-up stage.  Keep an eye on the stacking of the large plates and bring them to the kitchen before the stack gets too high.

At the dish washing sink, scrape away all debris, wash and rinse all items and place in rack for sterilization.  Soap is added to the sterilizer every other cycle.  Place a towel under the draining board, and on the table under a dishrack. Two or three people are required to dry and put away dishes.  Mugs are placed in Rubbermaid bins in the hall.
At the pot/pan sink, one person washes and the other dries and puts away the items.

Left over food, if any, will be distributed the clean-up coordinator at the kitchen pass through or packaged to be frozen for a future meal.

Salt, pepper, napkins, etc. will be returned to the pass through and put away as directed by the Clean-Up Coordinator.

At the end the sterilizer is to be turned off, drained, and the door left open to dry. 

The counter tops are to be sprayed with a mild bleach solution and left to air dry. 

Both garbage cans are to be emptied into the garbage bin in the parking lot while recyclable materials will be taken home by a volunteer.

Wet cloths need to be bagged for pick-up by a designated laundry person.

The trolley and containers are to be washed and dried, and returned to the hall.

Clean hot water is to be put in each large sink, and the plugs pulled at the same time to clear the plumbing pipes.                                                                                   


Setting up of the Church Hall begins at 4:15pm on Tuesday.  Upon arrival, check in with the Set-Up Coordinator.  Anyone arriving early needs to wait until 4:15pm.  Please stay out of the kitchen.

Hands need to be washed in the Wheel Chair bathroom.

Set up 16 tables with tablecloths and 8 chairs each.  Set up 6 tables along each wall angled towards the stage, use “spacing sticks” kept behind the amplifier in the Wheel Chair washroom.  Set up 4 tables down the center.  Set up a play table with playdough, paper, pencils, scissors and 4 small chairs.

Set up 3 Food Serving Tables complete with red tablecloths.

Wash hands after tables and chairs have been set up and before handling dishes etc.

Only one set up volunteer is permitted in the kitchen as designated by the Set Up Coordinator.  This person will put everything at the pass through from the kitchen, so it can be distributed by others in the hall.

Bring out cutlery, napkins and salt& pepper to tables.

Set 110 plates on end of the Serving Table.
Put out Second Helping sign at the end of the table with the plates.
Second helping plates (in green bins) out at 6pm.

Latex gloves are to be worn by anyone handling clean dishes, cutlery, cups, glasses, etc.  Cutlery and cups are to be picked up by the handles.  DO NOT pick up glasses or cups with your fingers inside the opening.

The dish trolley is to be set up to receive dirty dishes.  There needs to be hot water and soap in one of the top containers.  Place an open garbage can beside the trolley.

Use a table with a tablecloth.
Fill urn to 84 cups.  Use 4 cups of coffee.
Coffee urn will take 1 hour to heat up.
Set out about 60 mugs (in blue bins), milk, sugar, spoons and a pitcher of water.
Put iced tea (summer) or hot chocolate (winter) also on this table.                
On the heavy red table with a tablecloth
Fill urn to 80 cups and allow 1 hour to heat up until red light comes on.
Use 14 tea bags for 15 minutes.
Set out about 50 mugs (in blue bins), sugar, milk and spoons.

Put out the juice on the tea table at 5:30pm, no earlier.

Set up coordinator should keep an eye on milk/sugar supplies and replenish as necessary, and change music tapes on the PA system when required.

The hall opens to the public at 5:00pm

Make sure coffee, tea and cube sugar are in good supply.  Advise Rose Rourke when more is needed.



Wash hands in the washroom in the hall.

Report to the Kitchen Coordinator at the pass-through at 5:20pm for instructions.

The “Food Safe” course is recommended and gloves are to be worn at all times while serving food.  Keep hands away from face and hair.

Food is served promptly at 5:30pm.

Portions will be determined by the Cook or Kitchen Coordinator.

Servers are to remain at their posts until everyone has been served, then they are free to enjoy their meals, however, one person must remain at the serving table at all times.

Remove gloves when leaving the serving area.

Please do not touch the used plate as you dish out a second helping with the serving spoon.

Dessert is served at 6:10pm with instructions provided by the Kitchen Coordinator.

Food pick-up and communication with the kitchen is to be done at the pass-through.



The shopping list, on the kitchen bulletin board, is available Sunday after Church or between 9:00am and 1:00pm weekdays from the Wednesday after the meal.  Please note that the Church Hall closes at 1:00pm during the week.

Shopping is to be done on Monday or Tuesday and the groceries are to be delivered to the Church Hall kitchen by 12:30pm on Tuesday at the very latest.

Shoppers may shop where they are familiar, but they should price fruits and vegetables at a vegetable/fruit market.  Prices are usually lower and the produce fresher at these stores. 

When delivering groceries to the hall, a trolley is available to roll the groceries into the kitchen.

In the kitchen reorganize both refrigerators as required, to store cold items.

Remaining bags of food may be left on the counter to the left of the refrigerator and are to be marked C.M. for the Community Meal.

Leave all receipts in the blue book located in the second drawer from the door leading outside from the kitchen.  Make sure your name is clearly shown.  The shopping list should also be left with the receipts.

Repayments will be made as soon as possible, usually within the week.

Recommended stores:
Seafair Produce                                         Costco
Kin’s Market                                             Safeway
Richmond Farm Market                            SuperStore

VOLUNTEERS (General guidelines)

Sign up on the Volunteer List in the Church Hall.

Register your full name, address and telephone number with the Volunteer Coordinator.

Sign up don’t just show up.  If your name is not on the list, someone else is ready to do that task.  Please, do not sign more than twice per month.

Make a note of when you are to be at the hall and if you cannot make it, call the Volunteer Coordinator at 604-315-5705 as soon as possible so some else can be called to replace you. 

Be on time.  Check in with your coordinator.

Please don’t start early.

Inform your coordinator upon arrival if you need to leave early.

Only do the task that is assigned to you.

Wash your hands in the Wheelchair Washroom before you start.

Wash your hands regularly.

Volunteers are welcome to enjoy a meal after everyone has been served their first helping.

Volunteers are to eat and to socialize in the hall with our guests.

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